

Crises generate a lot of energy that, if harnessed constructively, can be a great source of innovation. The  COVID-19  response is producing inspiring innovative responses proving that, indeed, necessity is the mother of invention. What has emerged already and during previous crises provide lessons for our near-term response, but also highlight the underlying and more critical long-term need to better resource and institutionalize strategic innovation in global health. Open innovation, for example, is a proven model that can focus this energy and catalyze problem-solving from anywhere and anyone. My former team at the  USAID  Center for Innovation and Impact led both the   Fighting Ebola  and   Combating Zika and Future Threats  grand challenges during those respective outbreaks. In the heart of the Ebola outbreak, for example, CII and international experts reviewed over 1,500 ideas and quickly supported the development of 14. Twelve o...


INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN RURAL SECTORS Various new technologies has been developed to improve the rural sector.  articles on both innovations in rural regions and general articles on technology and innovation, including an article from the National Academy of Inventors (NAI) by McDevitt et al. that discusses the value of technology transfer for universities beyond money. The five papers in this special issue of  Technology and Innovation  dealing with innovations in rural regions include an editorial, an analysis of the value of networks for European organic farmers and conventional farmers, the use of technology to demonstrate the impact of rural health care organizations, precision agriculture in the Northern Great Plains, and how modern communications technologies are changing communities in Northeast India. RURAL INNOVATION Not just about fancy tractors In her introductory editorial, Kumi Nagamoto-Combs, assistant professor in the Department of Basi...


In this 21st century, the world is rapidly progressing, industrializing and globalizing. This rapid growth in industries is because of the innovation.The relationship between innovation and competition is of great importance to economists and managers. Role of innovation in their firm and the competition between the firm is of great significance.But the big question is-Does more competition results in a higher focus of innovation? The answer varies according to the situation, some cases have led to the identification of positive relationahip, some have led to negative relationship and some have led to inverse U-shaped relationship.Before analysing the impact of competition on invention, let us first try to understand the meaning of invention and competition. Invention- Invention is a multi-stage process that has led to develop new products by advancing the ideas that can lead a life to live with more ease. Competition- Competiton is a process to compete the opponent via a certai...


Invention of laptop from pexel  In ancients times , when nomads exists, they lived just to survive but even they have invented many tools, techniques for living. As time passed, challenges were undertaken by them which led them to discover new ideas. Today, we are living a very comfortable life.Do you ever thought why and how are we living a comfortable life.It's all because of invention. Earlier, nomadic people ate raw fruits then they tried to invent tools for hunting animals, then after they discovered fire which help them to protect themselves, hunt animals and roast them. They then lived a very comfortable life. Now, in the present era, we have stainless utensils, oven , cooking cylinders and many more.Even everyday, chefs are trying to discover new dishes. Therefore, change is needed in life and this is one of the reason by which we can well understand how important is it to invent things. If no idea were have been developed, it is quite sure,we might be living o...


Technology of a thought process Differenc between you and the world can make a change in your success. You don't need to compete yourself with others, but you have to be different from others to enrich your presence in the world. Innovation is bound to be innovated by you only when your thought process is different from others. Newton was also a common child,a common person like you and me, but his thought process was very different. Apple fall from the tree, this question would have never been in your mind, it came into his mind only because his thinking was different.He too might have struggled in life but he didn't have up. He was determined for it. This is the reason why his laws was mentioned in the science.Since his thought process is different from others, therefore he was known for innovation. People will be successful only if your thought process is different which can lead your action to be different.Your different action can lead you to innovate differently...


People think that innovation is a creative work.It can only occur in the minds of people whose IQ level is very high and impressive. It's not about being intelligent but I think it's a correlation between freedom and innovation. Person having freedom in their mind are the one to innovate in a very better way. It's told that on earth, great minds are born.But, in my consideration , great minds are not born, it is built. Those who think differently are the one to create wonderful things in the world.Mind without tension and without any pressure are the one to give birth to a most amazing creature on earth. Laws, Technology, Electronic gadgets etc, are built now-a-days, it's not just because of the innovation.If your mind is free from all types of indestructible then you are capable of creating the most wonderful gadgets in the universe. Your discovery is not about you, it's about your ability to think. Thinking is possible only when you believe in freedom. Bein...


India has consistently been climbing up its Global Innovation Index (GII) rankings since 2015, but the country still has to improve on many indicators to catch up with China and others in the list of 126 nations. The latest GII rankings, released in New York on Tuesday, put India at  57th position  and China at 17th in 2018 as compared to their last year’s rankings of 60th and 22nd respectively, giving insight into their innovation capabilities and results. Though our golden bird is very innovative but  rate has to grow very aggressively  in innovation field.In past years, we have seen many innovations had been done by other countries like China, Japan, Switzerland , USA and so on. India too have taken many steps to make India one of the best innovative country in the world. Today's are more concerned about their marks than about their skills. This is the why India is lacking behind in the field of innovation will help every child to develop their ow...